Monday, June 18, 2012

How to make a mustache-on-a-stick!



I’ve seen the mustache craze circling the wedding blogsphere and don't you think they are adorable? So I begin to search on the internet who can supply or make it for me..In Malaysia, I only found one...other than that you can order it from which for me it is quite expensive just for a simple thing like that..

And, because of there are so much time for me before I get engaged..hehe..I decided to make it for myself..:)

Firstly you need

Craft felt (two sheets make about 3-5 ’staches) (I buy it online here)
Hot glue gun/glue sticks
Craft dowels (I used chopstick)
Mustachio Template (I get it from lisa welge to download)

1. Cut your moustache

2. Get gluing
Line up your layers and start gluing with hot glue. If you were using both side, get the felt really stiff, make sure you use a lot of glue so that it covered the entire shape, not just the edges.

3. Stick it
Insert the stick on the side of the mustache, making sure to glue both sides of the stick to the felt. Finish up applying glue to the rest of the mustache and you are good to go! You can even tie on a ribbon to coordinate with your wedding colors.

Holla!!...there you own moustache!

You can costumize your own moustache according to your need too!..If you don't want to used stick you can used straw, or even on a glass! some image that can give you the idea..:)

All image are from google..:)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tik tok....

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim..

Two months starting from many works to do..and so many plan that I wish can come true..:)